Bocconi Students for Real Estate

Who We Are

Founded in 2018, we are the first student association within the Bocconi University community to analyze every aspect of the Real Estate industry.

Through our six divisions, we contribute to expanding knowledge and networking within Bocconi, exploring the many facets of this industry.

We help our numerous members gain valuable hands-on experience through peer-to-peer support. Today, we have more than 90 members!

Through periodic conferences and events we connect the Bocconi community with industry experts and prominent figures, who share their valuable insights to broaden our knowledge.

Explore our website to learn more about our areas of activity, past works and events! And don’t hesitate to contact us!

Our Divisions

Valuation & Advisory

With a tangible and functional approach, Valuation & Advisory Division mainly works on team projects to conduct real estate property analysis and valuation for landlords, agencies and internal purposes.

Real Estate Finance

The Real Estate Finance Division goes deeper in real estate investing strategies and property portfolios such as NPLs, REITs, subprime etc.

Market Research

The Market Research Division analyses the RE market trends, collecting data from various sources, building datasets, and composing reports both for internal and external projects, including those in partnership with clients to support their investment decisions.

Equity Research

The Equity Research Division is in charge of creating detailed reports regarding listed companies operating in the RE industry. The main goal is to understand if stock prices reflect their intrinsic value, to develop the best investment strategies.

Marketing & Networking

The Marketing and Networking Division advertises what the association does to clients and students in order to grow, organizes events for the organization and manages corporate relationships.

HR, Cash & Events

The HR, Cash & Events Division manages the association’s activities by organizing events, supporting other divisions, handling Bocconi’s administrative tasks, and overseeing the selection and admission process each semester.

Our Board

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